Fund raising

Velvet Avocats acts in fund-raising transactions at the development stage, at successive growth phases or in the event of a downturn.

Velvet Avocats fully supports its clients, founders or investors, at the various steps of these operations:

  • Prior to their implementation, in order to support its clients in identifying their needs and negotiation strategy.
  • During the discussions, on negotiation and drafting of pre-contractual documents (letter of intent, term sheet).
  • During any audits, either by assisting the implementation of the information (company / founder side) or by leading the audit operations (investor side).
  • During documentation drafting operations (investment agreement, shareholders’ agreement, social documentation, etc.) or review of the documentation prepared by the counsel(s) of the other parties.

The team regularly publishes articles in the specialist press and on LinkedIn.

Partner in charge

Antoine Fouter